
April 2017
reviewed: The Great Gatsby
This is an odd one. The writing is enchanting, and I don't mind Nick, but the other characters are very nasty. Gatsby himse...
The Great Gatsby (Cambridge Literature) - F. Scott Fitzgerald
read and rated
reviewed: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
How does one review a classic when so many people have reviewed it before? This was a beautiful book, even though the unfairn...
To Kill a Mockingbird, 50th Anniversary Edition - Harper Lee
April 2017
finished reading:
April 2017
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finished reading:
April 2017
started reading:
April 2017
reviewed: Confusing Book
2 1/2 stars. Kurt Vonnegut is undoubtedly a good writer. The trouble is, that I enjoyed the introduction where he was descr...
Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
read and rated
reviewed: 1984 by George Orwell
I went into this book expecting to be scared by it, and expecting to love it. While I was somewhat scared by it, I, unfortuna...
1984 - George Orwell
read and rated
reviewed: Good Premise, Bad Execution
I thought that this would be a book to challenge my apathy toward the YA genre. It almost was. But unfortunately it had a few...
Girl about Town - Adam Shankman, Laura L. Sullivan
read and rated
reviewed: Disappointing for a Tolkien
Let's just say that this isn't the best of Tolkien's works. It probably doesn't help that it was unfinished and Christopher T...
The Story of Kullervo - J.R.R. Tolkien, Verlyn Flieger
read and rated
reviewed: Rightfully Ours by Carolyn Astfalk
4 1/2 stars I received an digital ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Wow. I didn't think I would find a ...
Rightfully Ours - Carolyn Astfalk
read and rated
March 2017
finished reading:
March 2017
finished reading:
March 2017
finished reading:
March 2017
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finished reading:
March 2017
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March 2017
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February 2017
Dull. Good basic plotline. Convoluted. Atmospheric. Drags out. Too wordy. Beautiful phrases placed like pearls in the middle ...
Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak