Busy Dizzy (Inspirational bedtime story for kids ages 4-8) - Orly Katz

I received this book for free via a LibraryThing giveaway, in exchange for an honest review.


It's difficult to review a picture book as an adult, but I did enjoy this one. I read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield last year, and am currently reading Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly. Both discuss ways of fighting Resistance. This seems like a child's book for how to combat Resistance. It has cute art and good rhymes. Growing up I always liked books that rhymed. I thought it was odd that the order the children were introduced (David, Sophie and Joe) was not the order that we got the details of their Dizzies (Sophie, David and Joe.) I'm not sure if this is something that would significantly bother young children, but I noticed it.


The only thing that I think could be potentially problematic is the lack of specification between when Dizzies tell you not to do something good (not cry, play with your friends, give a teacher an answer you know) and when you want something bad, and your conscience tells you not to. The teacher describes Dizzies as a voice that tells you not to do something that you want to do, but there will be times when you want to do something bad and your conscience tells you not to.


So in the end, this is a good book to discuss with a child the strange Resistance that we sometimes have to doing something good, but be careful that they don't confuse Dizzies (Resistance) with their conscience.