City of Glass

City of Glass - Cassandra Clare I know that there are three more books in this series, but this felt like the end of a trilogy? Are we sure that the next three books aren't new trilogy?
Clarey was very similar to how she's been in the last two books. She's frustrating, stubborn, impulsive, brave, loving and stupid. I know that she's had character growth over the last two books, but it's hard to pin down how, because, if anything, she is more annoying than she was in the first book. I think Clarey had reason to be angry at her mother, but still, Jocelyn was unconcious for like, a month, and the first thing Clarey does when she sees her is yell at her. I'd understand if she gave her a hug and then yelled at her, but I really don't like that she didn't even show any relief to see her mother.
My opinions on Jace are similar to those on Clarey, except that I don't know when I started getting annoyed at Clarey, and Jace has just irritated me from the moment I met him. I do think that he's had some character growth. I like that he's learned to value his life, and he's less arrogant than he was, but he's still pretty arrogant.
I didn't really like Jace and Clarey's relationship from the start. I suppose that could be partly from watching too many booktube videos, and knowing that they were brother and sister, but I also just found that they didn't seem good for each other. Or rather, I think that Clarey was good for Jace, but Jace wasn't good for Clarey. He would repeatedly be a jerk to her. There were times when she wasn't very nice to him, but it never seemed like it was on the scale as him to her. It became even worse in this book. He pulled the cliche "I'm being a jerk to protect you" when he lied to her to get her to stay home, and then when he was exceedingly cruel to her, hoping to get her to go back home. Then he thought he had demon blood in him, he thought he was a monster, and instead of resolving to endeavor to be better than anyone thought he could be, he used it as an excuse to be even worse than usual. In some ways I thought that it was a an easy duck out of their relationship problems to make them not really be brother and sister, but given the fact that they continuously gave into their lust for one another, I don't think that they would have been able to fix their relationship. They barely even tried.

I really like Simon in every book, and in every book I find myself thinking that he's gotten the worse deal of the characters. He's constantly picked on by the Shadowhunter characters, and then a lot of bad stuff happens to him on top of that.
I like Luke, and I like him as a father figure for Clarey. He always seemed to be a good leader, but he definitely was in this book. Who knew the Shadowhunters would listen to him since he was a downworlder.
For some reason, I really like Magnus. He's hilarious. He made me laugh at times when in the next moment laughing was inoppropriate, but I was still laughing at Magnus.
I also like Isabel. Sort of. She is a little bit mean at times, which I don't like, but she got better in this book, and, through her grief for Max we got to see her act a little bit more human.
I don't like Alec much. There are times when he seems to have an inflated oppinion of himself.
I like Maryse. We don't know her that well, but she loves her children and usually has good interactions with Jace. We didn't get to know Robert well enough for me to have developed an oppinion on him.
We didn't see much of Maia in this book, which is too bad because I really liked her in the other books, still, what we did see of her was pretty good, when she saved Clarey and Jace and was snarky because they didn't recognize her in wolf form, and when she reluctantly accompanied Simon into Raphael's camp, and at the end when she and Isabel seem to be friends, but also rivals for Simon's affection.
I liked Max too. He was a spot of innocence in this messed up world that Clarey and Simon stumbled into. I do wish we would have gotten to know him better before he was killed. He was starting to seem like a little brother to Clarey, but only starting. They didn't know each other well enough to really become like brother and sister, but they were on their way, and I wish that they could have made it all the way.
I thought Hodge was dead, so I was saddened when he was killed right when he was going to redeem himself. I had liked him in the first book.
Never trust that a villain is dead until you see his body. Isn't that what Jace said about Valentine in the last book? So, I know that "Sebastian/Jonathan's" eyes were staring blankly at the sky, but I didn't get the impression he was far enough into the water to be washed away by it, so it seems odd that no one bothered to make sure he was dead after the defeat of Valentine. And I read the description of the next book so I know that he's alive.
I don't even know how to feel about the dreadful Angelology in this book. The angels were something distant, almost mythical, in the other books, and I was willing to suspend my disbelief, but are the angels in this book supposed to be literal angels? Because angels don't strictly have bodies (so it would have been impossible for Valentine to hold one captive for decades.) Angels serve God, but they are not gods, which seemed to be their representation in this book.
From what I understand, it's best to read the Infernal Devices next, and then continue with the Mortal Instruments series, so Clockwork Prince will be what I read next.